Numerology Astrology
This site shows the signs of each year according to numerology . In other words it shows the signs of each generation . Believing in the chinese horoscope is a big mistake , because those signs are not truthful , instead these numerological signs do .
This site includes the numerological value of the letters of the western alphabet .

Find your Sign according to the year you were born

Aries = 1926 , 1935 , 1944 , 1953 , 1962 , 1971 , 1980 , 1989 , 1998 , 2007 , 2016 , 2025
(Numbers that add up to 9) .

Taurus = 1923 , 1941 , 1959 , 1977 , 1995 , 2013
(Numbers that add up to 6 and are odd) .

Gemini = 1931 , 1949 , 1967 , 1985 , 2003 , 2021
(Numbers that add up to 5 and are odd) .

Cancer = 1928 , 1937 , 1946 , 1955 , 1964 , 1973 , 1982 , 1991 , 2000 , 2009 , 2018
(Numbers that add up to 2) .

Leo = 1927 , 1936 , 1945 , 1954 , 1963 , 1972 , 1981 , 1990 , 1999 , 2008 , 2017
(Numbers that add up to 1) .

Virgo = 1922 , 1940 , 1958 , 1976 , 1994 , 2012
(Numbers that add up to 5 and are even) .

Libra = 1932 , 1950 , 1968 , 1986 , 2004 , 2022
(Numbers that add up to 6 and are even) .

Scorpio = 1929 , 1947 , 1965 , 1983 , 2001 , 2019
(Numbers that add up to 3 and are odd) .

Sagittarius = 1920 , 1938 , 1956 , 1974 , 1992 , 2010
(Numbers that add up to 3 and are even) .

Capricorn = 1925 , 1934 , 1943 , 1952 , 1961 , 1970 , 1979 , 1988 , 1997 , 2006 , 2015 , 2024
(Numbers that add up to 8) .

Aquarius = 1921 , 1930 , 1939 , 1948 , 1957 , 1966 , 1975 , 1984 , 1993 , 2002 , 2011 , 2020
(Numbers that add up to 4) .

Pisces = 1924 , 1933 , 1942 , 1951 , 1960 , 1969 , 1978 , 1987 , 1996 , 2005 , 2014 , 2023
(Numbers that add up to 7) .
Numerological value of the alphabet
A = 1 | B = 2 | C = 12 | D = 4 | E = 5 | F = 8 | G = 3
H = 14 | I = 1 | J = 1 | K = 2 | L = 12 | M = 4
N = 5 | O = 7 | P = 8 | Q = 1 | R = 2 | S = 3 | T = 4
U = 6 | V = 15 | W = 6 | X = 14 | Y = 1 | Z = 7

Description of each Sign

Is symbolized with the figure of the ram. Their spontaneity combined with their great willingness makes Aries a dynamic sign and one in constant movement. Their impatience is balanced with their abylity to act fast and take bold decisions. It is not strange to find quick reactions in those under this sign, as they are impulsive and passionate, sometimes to an extreme. It is a sign with excessive curiosity, which is rather difficult to placate. People under this sign are innate and adventurous leaders, whose energies are channeled on constant improvisation, which make them quite difficult to tame. Aries must constantly work on how to use all their energy and how to reach quieter states of stillness and rest to regain energy and not exceed their limits since an untamed ram can attack without care, and may be an overpowering, proud, aggressive and reckless sign. One of the best activities of this sign are the sports activities which imply competence so that he can face an insatiable need for competition, he only needs to regulate his tolerance to frustration. Besides, because we link them to warriors, they can be highly interested in martial arts.
Key Phrase = I am
Complementary Sign = Cancer
Opposite Sign = Capricorn

Is represented by a bull. It is a sign with a fixed nature, therefore, immutable and with sluggish manifestations, but at the same time greatly confident. It is an earth sign and is associated with everything that is concrete and of good taste, everything that can deliver stability, comfort, enjoyment and pleasure. They are also highly attracted to beauty. Is faithful and his values are fundamental. Taurus is also a conservative sign with a great need to possess material things. They love good food, art and naps, and they are the most enjoyment-oriented of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Their mind is stable and methodical, they enjoy peaceful and comfortable spaces for reflection. When it comes to work or moving in order to achieve the much-desired stability, they are very hard-working and persevering, and are always loyal and faithful to that purpose. Taurus can have a negative side which comes to light when they are in that state of comfort and well-being, that is when they can become a very lazy sign and rest on those laurels for which they claim to have worked so hard, and of which they feel totally deserving.
Key Phrase = I have
Complementary Sign = Aquarius
Opposite Sign = Leo

Is represented by the figure of two twins because of their dual nature. This dual nature can be noticed in this sign in manifestations such as the desire to know about different topics at the same time, always in a superficial way, since their high level of dispersion does not allow them to have a constant focus. They like to be well informed about the issues that appeal to them. The language and communications are domain of Gemini. The twins are in constant tension due to their permanent doubt of what it is that intellectually motivates them, which is why they often cannot decide which of the two ways to follow because the two ways are like unanswered questions, and this makes Gemini a misunderstood creature for the other signs. His eagerness to find the union of the ideal and the practical, drives Gemini to be a progressive sign. Another feature of the twins is their eternal youth, both mentally and physically, and this is why some Gemini live like an eternal teenager, and can sometimes be quite diffuse and unreliable if he fails to find the right balance between his poles.
Key Phrase = I look for
Complementary Sign = Virgo
Opposite Sign = Pisces

Is represented by the crab. This sign connects with the whole world through emotions, it is a sign with great high sensitivity and attachment. Their sensitivity is extremely poetic and effective in turning the whole world into their home. Like its animal representation, the crab might take refuge in their shell in conditions of vulnerability, feeling weak and sometimes behaving with others as a little emotional blackmailer, demanding the energy that they feel they lack. Is a sign that when in an unknown place, and therefore feeling uncomfortable, they need to quickly build bonds of sympathy and protection with their peers. This sign understands perfectly the characteristics of motherhood and home and are constantly very sweet. The crab has a high tendency to remember and keep memories of the past. Being extremely sensitive, is often at the mercy of his mood swings. With their compassionate nature Cancer can offer consolation, support and security to loved ones. The idealistic and loving condition of Cancer makes it a dreamy sign and when in harmony, they can be creative artists in what they undertake.
Key Phrase = I feel
Complementary Sign = Aries
Opposite Sign = Libra

Is represented by the lion, with all his magnificence. Leo is a sign with courage and vital creativity. Their constant search to differentiate themselves from the rest is the noblest side of this sign. Their symbol of power gives them an unusual leadership sense, which is why when Leo is not in harmony with his talents, one may find egocentric leaders, people with disloyal egos, and despots. Is a sign of a very good heart and therefore of great vitality and vigor. They are strong, tenacious, independent and protective people. In general, they don’t tend to have many changes of mood, but rather remain calm, which at times may seem like they are indifferent to criticism from others, but they are not at all comfortable with being intrusive in situations where they could make a fool of themselves. Leo likes to be the center of attention . The executive ability they possess places them in positions where others perceive them as powerful. Leo seeks to make themselves known and recognized by indulging in their expansive condition and their great passionate heart, where there is no sacrifice they are not willing to make for those they love.
Key Phrase = I want
Complementary Sign = Scorpio
Opposite Sign = Taurus

Is represented by a virgin, symbol of purity and neatness that correspond to this sign. Virgo has the ability to discriminate details, to analyze in a meticulous and delicate way, putting themselves at the constant service of others in a selfless way, but at the same time without neglecting their aim for perfection and self-criticism. Virgo serves himself by serving others. They have a methodical mind. Feels safe analyzing the emotional world and working to achieve concrete goals. Their practical and useful ideas help them reach out to others. This sign is admirable for its discipline and honesty, they are capable of carrying out any work entrusted to them if it is convenient to them. They also excel in areas of work related to scientific research. Virgo represents service in all its forms and, combined with their logic, cleanliness, mental clarity and clinical eye, they are usually excellent healers for others. Virgo does not feel completely comfortable when there is too much freedom, where there are no fixed limits of behavior to stick to, this is why this sign prefers routine above all.
Key Phrase= I analyze
Complementary Sign = Gemini
Opposite Sign = Sagittarius

Is represented by the scale and symbolizes balance. Their energy has a constant balance, it is very common to see them weighing pros and cons until they obtain the right balance. Their thinking includes concepts such as art, beauty, social relationships and justice, always in terms of harmonious balance and where happiness is found. They sometimes show a very strong reflective capacity, which should be their life’s flag since, if for some reason they are pushed by the fear of making decisions, this fear of taking sides will sometimes make them act in a way that will make them look good for both sides, even when they disagree with one of them. Libra tends to shy away from conflicts in order to be impartial. Their great appreciation for aesthetics and good taste are some of the great features of this sign, particularly art that is simple and humble. They may sometimes get a little fanatic and anxious in the search for a partner and become involved in romantic conflicts with others. Most usually they are promoters of peace and harmony by being peaceful and tolerant.
Key Phrase = I balance
Complementary Sign = Capricorn
Opposite Sign = Cancer

Is represented by the scorpion. In them we can find passion to the highest extent. On the one hand, the magnetism of this sign in relationships with others is intense and very sexual. Scorpio is love and hate, joy and sadness, goodness and evil, sympathy and apathy, and everything with great intensity. On the other hand, Scorpio is also the one who speaks of death, occult powers, and can penetrate the deepest and most intimate secrets of others. The constant transmutation that Scorpio must face in order to balance passion and maintain the harmonic coexistence of their vibrant emotions is their engine and keeps them in permanent internal tension. When Scorpio loses control, they enjoy flattery, revenge, success and imposing themselves on others without remorse, even with violent obsessiveness. But when they are aligned with their potential, they are the sign with greater psychological depth of high discipline, simplicity, responsibility, and clear spirituality, with great connection with mysterious things such as mediumship and parapsychology.
Key Phrase = I evade
Complementary Sign = Leo
Opposite Sign = Aquarius

Is represented by the centaur, half-man, half-horse. This sign combines animal instinct with the spirituality and the intellect of men. It is characterized by observation, judgment and a perspective view of things. This sign is ruled by high philosophical values and ideals, but it is always in touch with its animal and earthly side. The centaur has a bow which symbolizes its assertiveness and decision power. It is accurate and constantly aware of its goals. Sagittarius always tries to understand the true higher law, and they are very spiritual, and respectful of people’s lives. They constantly look for a space that gives them the freedom to be able to focus on their goals and fulfill their ambitions. When not in harmony, they can be morally arrogant and judge people abusively, unable to understand the defects of others. They find great satisfaction in traveling that allows them to get to know new cultures and ways of life. Other characteristics are their high optimism, joy and good humor, but they must always keep a balance between their human and animal sides so as not to lose their way.
Key Phrase = I understand
Complementary Sign = Pisces
Opposite Sign = Virgo

Is represented by a goat. They possess amazing tenacity and, no matter how much they must endure, they eventually reach their difficult goals. Action, clear goals, and the feeling of doing what they have to do is what motivates them. Sometimes they may bear very heavy responsibilities, and never complain because the silent sacrifice is part of who they are, and they also have great self-control and a responsible attitude towards life. They need to control others in order to feel safe and comfortable. They demand strict punctuality and may turn into neat freaks. When it comes to love, this sign is very cautious. They do not normally share their feelings, because they feel they are not relevant to those around them, and they may come across as being extremely cold, and lacking emotions. There is a disharmonious side to Capricorn, where extreme materialism can take hold of them making them overpowering in their way to achieving their goals, always under the idea that the end justifies the means, while still keeping things professional, organized, and with the establishment of rules.
Key Phrase = I achieve
Complementary Sign = Libra
Opposite Sign = Aries

Is represented by the man bearing a pitcher of water and is highly characterized by their disobedience and rebellion. This sign represents intellectual knowledge. They are wise, cold and emotionally detached. Aquarius shows futuristic and picturesque, intellectual and philanthropic ideas. They are forward thinking, which can sometimes be a bit picturesque, but the purpose is always humanistic. Aquarius excessive knowledge can be a double-edged sword since they may sometimes not find a way out of their internal intellectual world and get trapped in their mental, utopian and eccentric creation. The normal incomprehension of this sign makes them love solitude and they avoid commitment. On the flip side when Aquarius is awake, they search for friends and people who share their ideological and intellectual traits since, although they prefer to be alone to develop their knowledge, they find company necessary for personal balance. This is because, when in a group where they feel comfortable and can share ideas, they can be extremely expansive and creative, showing their best side.
Key Phrase = I know
Complementary Sign = Taurus
Opposite Sign = Scorpio

Is represented by two fish, tied at the tails and swimming in opposite directions. This is related to their receptivity to superior or naive beliefs. This sign shows a duality characterized by how they find the balance between how the divine and the earthly is perceived. They possess a direct and mystical susceptibility to all things and may sometimes have a great tendency to avoid or withdraw from the outer world. They may often inadvertently attach to themselves other people’s emotional experiences, leaving their own experiences aside, and feeling inferior from others while not admitting it. Pisces is the most capable of protecting others, since it understands the pain of others. They must take care of their repressed rage, since they could explode and unload on those they do not wish to hurt. They may learn about their goals through meditation and faith. Pisces may seem weak, but in reality their connection with love, faith, sensitivity, and emotional plasticity are their greatest strengths, and can make them discover an artistic streak in matters such as music, cinema, painting and sculpture.
Key Phrase = I believe
Complementary Sign = Sagittarius
Opposite Sign= Gemini
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